Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time Is Running Out...

Huh.. It's been a long time not updating my blog..
Fuh.. Dusty already.. hik hik hik

Well it's been quit tough days for me especially last June.
And most probably it will continue until when... then I won't know... Fuh...

Time's now showing 5.45 AM.. today I need to work at 8 Am.
Tetiba kan bgun awal pukul 5.. Huhuhu..

Dalam x boleh tido ni... Suddenly I am thinking...Tik Tok Tik Tok.... Well times wait for no man...
Then I realize how fast time is it... Huhuhu... Of course.. Let's check it out..

1. It's already July rite now, and next month is Ramadhan!! I don't cover my fasting yet.. Damn, I am so last minute!!! I thought lambat lagi.. My bad!!! So hari ni kita puasa..
2. My friends Karen and Nona will be someone's wife this year.. Karen, this 31 July and Nona, this Nov... Omg. still cannot believe it.. Later? I don't know.. Hik hik hik...
3. Oh yess.. It's July already!!! I am in a middle of 2010... I imagined that I'm still in a early of the year.. ;p
4. Well, well, when I'm look at my calendar, I 've been a working woman for a year already... Day by day.. I am so busy.. Keje asik2 nk dekat 12 jam .. House is a place where I rest and tido je... I am workaholic to the max!!!
5. My mom, relatives and family's friends are starting to bising2 ask me to get married.. Arghh.. So stress!!! I know I'm almost 25 years old.. But it just 25 not 30... Aiyaa...

Ohh I wish I can turn back the time... Can I be 18 again?? ;p

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