Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm Melting

I think Im starting to accept that it is not my chance to have my own grad pics...
Maybe it's my not my luck
By the way
Thanks to a person who makes my heart melts...

It's been a long time my heart is not melting like this...

Wah... He's so cute.... So handsome...

When looking at him.. I forgot all the sadness im having rite now

Hahaha... terrible me...

Haish.... he just a foreigner coming from no where...

Thank god i'm looking at his face...

Sejuk hati den...

Even actually I don't even know him...
But he's so cute...
Arghh... help me....

p/s Just ignore the craziness that im having rite now... hahahaha...


Cik bunga mawar said...

sapa la yg wat u melting2 ni..
takkan tackey I gi jenguk u kot ~_^

*refering to my bf..takizawa hideaki, muahahaha

KyLa is KaLyLa said...

bukan bf u tu la..
ntah i pun xkenal sbnarnya...
tp dia bt i teringat2 ni...
